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New Detex ProxiPen Guard Tour Verification System

Guardsman Watchman's Clock
Guard Tour System
The Guardsman, unlike most watchclocks, provides an uninterrupted record of a watchman's activities for up to 120 hours. For your company, its extended time-keeping capacity translates into total control and accountability for weekends, holidays and plant closings, as well as routine overnight patrols. The advancement of the tape is synchronized with the clock mechanism, so that consecutive station registrations appear as an unbroken band of numbers; missed stations appear as conspicuous gaps. The Guardsman boasts rugged construction, including a die-cast aluminum housing, heat-treated crystal, and a riveted and reinforced case of harness leather.
»Refurbished Units Available: Call (718) 784-4900

Newman Watchman's Clock
Guard Tour System
The Newman was the first portable watchclock of American design to be sold in the U.S. It was also the first portable watchclock to receive the Underwriters Laboratories' listing and to be approved by Factory Mutual. It remains a watchclock approved by insurance companies worldwide.
Reliability is built in, thanks to the Newman's highly accurate, eight-day shock-resistant movement and 11-jeweled escapement. And it requires winding only once per week. The Newman provides a 24-hour record directly embossed on a paper time dial by means of raised numerals on the recording keys. It's Detex tough with a die-cast aluminum housing, heat-treated crystal, and a riveted and reinforced case of harness leather.
»Refurbished Units Available: Call (718) 784-4900

Amano PR600 Watchclock
Guard Tour System
- Quartz clock accuracy
- No ink ribbon required. Clear imprint with carbonless paper.
- Designed for maximum protection against possible handling
- Requires no regular winding
- Lightweight and easy to carry
- Restricts access to record tape and time by use of a master key
- Documents opening/closing of clock with “0” imprint on tape
- Battery indicator light
- 99 station keys available
- Self-contained dry cell battery provides months of maintenance-free operation
- Allows registration of each watchman’s ID prior to each route
- Lock box available to prevent loss of station keys
- Refurbished Units Available: Call (718) 784-4900

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